I Remember:Jay Fresh Money

I met Jay Fresh Money on Twitter, I am not too sure how but, its like I was drawn by the powers that be to be of help for this Gentleman from Detroit, Michigan, Legally known as Jerome Fulton, a self-made man, with a talent that made men more than just special, he was made to be the king of his genre, or should I say Michigan's Best. Where does the name Jay Fresh Money come from? His first harnessed talent was Dancing and people called him Jay short for his first name, when he started being good in dancing, his friends started calling him Jay Fresh, being a young made him do uncertain decisions an, as usual, he got into a little trouble here and there trying to make some cash for himself at that time. that's where the name Jay Fresh Money started. In the industry: He started when he was in his early 20;s that time he was young and unaware and technically had gotten into several fits. which caused all his plans to stop for the time being. He went into recording around...